Professional Practice Exam for the Certified Wireless Analysis Professional exam.
The practice exam is available in the student portal just minutes after purchase and allows lifetime access to a bank of questions designed to get you ready to earn this new valuable certification.
Practice Exams by AE/WT are written by industry SME's with detailed explanations. Students have access from any device with a simple web-browser and unlimited attempts. We developed our Learning Management System from the ground up to give you the absolute best experience studying for your exam possible. Until now WiFi Training practice exams were only available to students who attend our instructor-led classroom or instructor-led online courses, Now anyone can access by purchasing a license below.
This product is out now, and available in your student portal minutes after purchase.
Main Areas Covered on the Certified Wireless Security Professional (CWSP) exam.
- Security Policy 10% Vulnerabilities,
- Threats, and Attacks 30%
- WLAN Security Design and Architecture 45%
- Security Lifecycle Management 15%
NOTE - Online exams are now available through person VUE!
Exam Number: CWSP-206
Exam Vendor: CWNP
Availability: Pearson Vue Testing Center
Duration: 90 minutes
Questions: 60 multiple choice / multiple answer
Language: English
Getting the best experience in the AvA GTM portal.
- Use the new environment - When you log in, you will be asked to try the new student experience, use it! It's far superior to our previous version.
- Study each version of the exam in practice mode the first time, read the descriptions to ensure your comfortable if you answered incorrectly, and research further if needed until you are confident in the answer.
- Use Exam Mode to simulate the closest environment possible to the real thing, no help is provided, just graded when complete. When you can ace our exams, you are ready for the real exam!