Gabriel Ryan

Gabriel Ryan

Short Bio

Gabriel Ryan is a researcher and security engineer with a decade of C and Python programming experience, in addition to 7 years of experience in offensive operations. His resume includes tenures at companies such as Amazon, SpecterOps, and Gotham Digital Science. Gabriel is best known for his contributions to the field of offensive wireless security and has spoken at major industry events such as DEF CON, DerbyCon, and 44con. He is the author of the OpenSource tools EAPHammer, SilentBridge, and DropEngine, as well as a contributor to hostapd-apd and Empire. His research includes the first bypass of 802.1x-2010, the first proof-of-concept attacks against Opportunistic Wireless Encryption (a.k.a. “WPA3 Enhanced Open”), as well as the development of the Hostile Portal, Indirect Wireless Pivot, and EAP-MD5 Forced Reauthentication attacks. Gabriel is a former BlackHat instructor and is currently a member of the DEF CON CFP board.

Digital Courses

Pentesting 102: Introductory Post-Exploitation

In this follow-up to our Pentesting 102 course, we will learn how to transition from gaining an init...

$299.00 $999.00

Introduction to Modern Wireless Pentesting: Part 2

The second release in the series continues the journey into Modern Wireless Pentesting with expert i...

$399.00 $1699.00

Introduction to Modern Wireless Pentesting: Part I

Most publicly available wireless training is stale, focusing on low-impact techniques mitigated by t...

$399.00 $2599.99

Pentesting 201 - Introduction to Application Security Testing

This course introduces application security testing, focusing on fundamental tradecraft and vulnerab...


Pentesting 101: External Recon and Initial Access

Learning Pentesting all start's here with a brand new course from In this course, you wil...

$299.00 $999.00

Flipped Unleashed

Since its release in late 2020, the Flipper has quickly become known as a Swiss army knife for compu...


AWS Security Fundamentals - RED/Blue Perspective

Cloud computing and serverless architecture have revolutionized the tech industry, making it easier...

$299.00 $999.00