WiFi Training Has Rockin' WLPC Deals!


WiFi Training Has Rockin' WLPC Deals!

Skill Training, Events, WiFi Expert, Training, Conferences

As you likely already know, it is WLPC time for our European colleagues. What you might not know, is that we have a WLPC in Mexico shortly after.

You know it's a great year in WiFi when we get to experience not one but three WLPC conferences.

How on Earth could things get better? Well...we are glad you asked.

WiFi Training is a steady presence at these WLPC events. If you've attended in the past, you know they are all around and offering great deals to take some of these amazing classes.

If you didn't....well buckle up, because here comes the knowledge!

If you are heading to WLPC Europe in just a few days, or WLPC in Mexico, you will have a chance to take advantage of a rockin' good deal on training.

Specifically, you will have a chance to snag a WiFi Training All Access pass for just $699 for a year.

What will that $699 get you?

Well, for you and up to 10 members of your organization (at 699 per user), you will gain unlimited access to all original WiFi Training content-digital courses, micro courses, practice exams and even live lessons.

There are some caveats, but nothing too crazy.

For either deal, you must be able to confirm you or someone in your org were at either Prague or Mexico.

The WLPC EU discount for Prague attendees expires on October 31st.

For WLPC Mexico attendees, the discount code expires November 30th.

So if you or someone on your team managed to attend either of the upcoming WLPC events, here's a chance to get even more benefit out of that. For just 699 per user, you can have access to some amazing and very up to date training material.

Considering companies are constantly looking for ways to get staff access to top notch training, this is something to consider!




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