Our Blogs

Tech Tips

Hey Networkers! Time to Clean House

After working with hundreds of companies around the world, it’s crazy how only a small few ever go into clean-up mode or deprecate the old when deploying...


What does ChatGPT know about Wi-Fi6E?

We thought we would ask what ChatGPT, or Mr #AI of the day, knows about Wi-Fi6E. Although his thoughts are essentially built on other sources, we are impressed....


Why get a career in Infosec?

A career in information security (infosec) is becoming increasingly popular as more organizations recognize the importance of securing their data and systems fr...

Initiatives, News

Vote For Us! WiFi Awards 2022!

It has happened before, and now it has happened once again! WiFi Training has been once again nominated for a WiFi Award. Nominated twice previously, we a...

Initiatives, Health

Should we Hack our Health at WLPC?

if you've been paying attention to the right folks on social media, you've probably heard about the We Hack Health movement, and the associated @hacking...

Initiatives, News

WiFi Training Has Rockin' WLPC Deals!

As you likely already know, it is WLPC time for our European colleagues. What you might not know, is that we have a WLPC in Mexico shortly after. You know it...