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Showing 57 entries

AWS Security Fundamentals - RED/Blue Perspective

Cloud computing and serverless architecture have revolutionized the tech industry, making it easier...


Ansible Lessons

Ansible Lessons is a new course from WiFiTraining.com and the instructor Aidar Khairullin with a goa...


Antenna Basics for Wi-Fi Professionals

Antennas are a curious topic. Most Wi-Fi professionals don’t give antennas a second thought; that is...


C9800 Rockstar LIVE - Profiles & Tags

About Wifi Training WiFi Training is currently building the largest volume of digital wireless co...


Catalyst Center Lessons - Administration, Automation, and Assurance

Introducing the new Cisco Catalyst Center Lessons - your ultimate guide to administration, automatio...


Cisco 9800 Lessons

Are you looking at rolling out the Cisco 9800s soon? Maybe you have them ordered and heard from the...


Cisco 9800 Rockstar

Every time we send our student's survey's you all want to know more about the new Cisco 9800 contro...


Cisco 9800 Rockstar - Advanced Security

C9800 Rockstar - Advanced Security builds on the student knowledge learned in Cisco 9800 Rockstar co...


Cisco 9800 Rockstar - Remote Office

Welcome to the 3rd professional-level course in the Cisco 9800 Rockstar series, this time focusing o...


Cisco EWC Lessons

As a follow-up to Cisco 9800 Lessons, we are pleased to announce Cisco EWC Lessons a new training co...
